Answer to prayer
We want to thank each of you for praying. Cydnie is over her horrible cold and praise God the rest of the family remains healty. Another miracle because Colleen's white count remains low. Our God is so good. Colleen went for her clinic treatment on Friday. She received vincristine chemotherapy. We were informed of the next phase of treatment. It involves giving high doses of methotrexate through the IV. This is the drug that caused her stroke. She may begin this treatment next friday or the friday after. I believe her blood counts have to be a certain level before they begin the treatment so it all depends on those numbers. She will receive this medication every 3 weeks for 3 or 4 treatments. Most kids get this drug every 2 weeks but Colleen will get it every 3 to allow her body to process it. There is usually another spinal with methotrexate at this point in treatment, but they are postponing this one until after we see how she responds to the high doses in the IV. Colleen will be spending a week in the hospital every 3 weeks. Please pray that the Lord will provide the wisdom the doctors need to treat Colleen without any adverse side effects. Please also pray for us. Spending this amount of time at the hospital definitely causes extra stress. I have to work, so this is an added stressor but thank the Lord that Lens work is very flexible and supportive of him at this time and Chelsea is also a wonderful help to all of us.
Colleen takes 9 robitussin tablets per day so I asked my Aunt Kathy to find some with coupons on them in her area. She found 29 bottles and wrapped them up for Colleen for Easter( this is a 8 week supply). She is the only one I know that can make robitussin look beautiful. She and grandpa bought all of that for us. Thank you so much! Below is a picture of the Robitussin basket. Simply gorgeous- Colleen, the girls, and the Robitussin!
Easter picture |
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