Colleen's pain has improved but is still significant at times. She is having trouble staying awake because of all the medications that she is on. She is using a wheelchair at school and is on massive amounts of pain medication. Currently she is taking oxycontin 80 mg's every 8 hours and immediate release oxycontin 10 mg's every 2 to 3 hours. Her hips, legs, knees and now her hands and feet are hurting her.She is also on neurontin and elavil for pain which make her sleepy. Please pray that God will halt the progression of the bone death and begin to heal her bones. She is about a week behind in school which causes a lot of anxiety for her but she is just unable to focus long enough to get much done. We are hoping that the pain medication will be increased this week. If her pain is controlled it is easier to do her work.
Chelsea and I went to a fur angel meeting this week to see what we need to do to train our dogs to be hospital therapy dogs. We are going to investigate a few more organizations and then decide which to participate with. For now, we have a lot of work to do with our puppies. They are like toddlers- in to everything and irritating at times. We still love them but we have a bit of work to do with them before they will pass any obedience tests.
Your prayers are appreciated. It is really hard to watch your child suffer in this way. She is really emotional and is having more trouble dealing with the pain than with the original cancer diagnosis. Please pray for our whole family. I seem to cry so easily. We are looking forward to having her feel better but this problem does not go away quickly. We may be looking at months of healing.
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