Saturday, August 16, 2014

Second Hip replacement

Colleen has healed completely from her first hip replacement. She was able to walk without any assistive devices in about 2 and a half weeks postop. Today she was able to attend a wedding at our church and told the pastor's wife that she is no longer having any pain on the operative side and is looking forward to getting this right hip replaced. She is supposed to return to school next week and is determined to try to attend with the other students. Please pray that she will do well after this surgery too! We are so thankful to each of you who follow her progress and pray regularly. We know that God is in control of our lives and He has a purpose in all of this suffering. We are looking forward to seeing Colleen feel better in the next few months. Please pray for pain control after surgery and another speedy recovery for her. Thanks again for praying. God is good. 

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