Colleen went for her clinic appt yesterday and got a chemotherapy called vincrisitine. The doctors are giving he a short break from the methotrexate which they believe caused the stroke. I have had many people ask if they can change or quit giving this particular chemotherapy. Unfortunately, it is an integral part of the treatment for this leukemia. They are going to be able to give a drug called leukovoran( not sure of the spelling) the day after they give the methotrexate to protect the normal cells in the body from the chemotherapy and hopefully prevent any further toxicity. Chelsea has researched a bit and studies find that strokes usually do not recur. Colleen got 4 consecutive weeks of methotrexate in her spine and somehow it buit up in her system causing the stroke. A few studies also show that dextromethorthan or the ingredient in cough syrup also can help prevent toxicity. She is now takin 9 of those pills per day. Only one percent of children ever even develop this problem so the studies are few and far between. Once again we are left to depend on God to see us thru.
Please pray for wisdom for the doctors who need to decide how to proceed with the chemotherapy and pray that Colleen will not have anymore side effects from the medications. Colleen is having stomach pain please pray that the pain will subside.
Thank God for his wisdom in all things- He knows what the outcome will be and is working to show his power and love through this trial. Thank you all for praying for Colleen.
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