Monday, March 19, 2012

Faith and new pictures

Colleens new Sully hat so silly

Colleen is having a great day. She is stronger than I have seen in a long time and she is eating well hallelujah! The sparkle is back in her eyes.  The girls all ventured out today to pick up Cydnie from school and stopped to see Dr. Tally for a few minutes. Colleen was able to wear her scoliosis brace for a while today and for that we are thankful.

Last week on friday the verse on my planner sitting on my desk was Luke 12:6-7. Are not sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God's sight. But even the hairs on your head are all counted. Do not be afraid- You are of more value than a sparrow. I was sharing this with my coworkers in the morning and praising God for his goodness but I really though of the verse in reference to Friday and Saturday with the stroke incident last week. Now I look back and realize that the verse was meant for both days. I was so panicked about Colleen when that social worker said she was not doing well -even though he has had her in his hand the whole time. I know that Colleen is going to be healed. Everytime I turn around the Lord is encouraging us. Just the other day a nurse called to let me know that a coworker of hers has a daughter that also had a stroke and she is doing well and graduating from U of M soon. Colleen was diagnosed early- responded well to treatment actually ahead of schedule, the Dr who diagnosed her also had leukemia as a 14 year old and is doing well. I am going to try to really focus on the fact that God is in control and whatever circumstances arise, he is totally able to care for Colleen. God is omnipotent and he loves us more than our parents on earth. I believe he will accomplish much through this trial- we are learning to lean on him and for this we are grateful. Perhaps God will use Colleen to minister to others one day. Thank you for your continued prayers for Colleen.

Colleen missed her rainbow hair so we bought some more

St Pattys day wig

1 comment:

  1. I think I like the blue Teddy bear hair or the rainbow one...can't decide. :)
