Saturday, March 10, 2012

Please Pray

Colleen was admitted last night to Children's hospital with slurred speech. They did a CAT scan of her head which didn't show any unexpected anomalies. They kept her overnight for observation and by 9am she was doing perfectly fine. They examined her again at noon and discharged her because she was still doing fine. Before we could walk out of her room and down the hall, she started stumbling to the point that I wasn't comfortable leaving the hospital. In hopes that she had low blood sugar, we ordered some food. While eating, her left arm became very weak. The doctors ordered an MRI and told us that it could take up to 2 days to get her in. God provided us a slot in under 10 minutes. By the time the test was completed, she was unable to move her left side. The MRI showed that an area of her brain is getting inadequate blood. Essentially, she has had a stroke. There is no blood clot and no bleeding. A vessel has narrowed. This is a rare side effect that is sometimes seen with one of the Chemotherapy medications she had during her clinic appointment yesterday. Her Hematologist called me at home a little while ago. She said that most often blood flow is restored through supportive care--IV fluids and blood transfusions. She also said that usually there are not usually long term effects that cannot be corrected through physical therapy.
Right now, Colleen and my parents are still in the ER at Children's Hospital. There is no room available at that hospital or at Mott Hospital.

Thank God
-that it took over 3 hours to discharge Colleen this morning so that we were still in the hospital
-that He provided an MRI appointment so quickly (I think she may hold the record.)

Please pray
-that Colleen will respond well to the treatment and not experience any long term damage.
-that they are able to find a room soon as the ER room is very small, loud, and uncomfortable for her.
-that God will comfort Colleen and that she stays positive through this very scary experience.

Please pray.

Thanks everyone.

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