Saturday, February 11, 2012

answer to prayer

Colleen went to the clinic on friday for bloodwork and chemotherapy. Her blood sugars have been so low that we had to quit giving her insulin. She is still on the high doses of the prednisone but the doctors are very perplexed as to why this is happening. Normally the blood sugars stay high until the person goes off the prednisone. For 3 days Colleen has not needed any insulin -the blood sugars have been normal even though she is eating everything in sight. The prednisone gives you an insatiable appetite. I prayed specifically that God would correct the sugars so Colleen would not need the insulin but was praying this before we came home from the hospital. I believe God answered our prayer but on his timeline. God is good. Hopefully no more insulin will be needed. This is just one more example of Gods goodness.

We also made a trip to the wig shop today. Colleen wants to embrace the rainbow hair for a few more days but will be going back to the boutique to have her wig fitted and the remainder of the hair removed on thursday. She was very brave today- no tears- no worries. Please pray that her spirits will remain high even after the hair is gone. She chose a really beautiful wig and was pleased to see how natural it looked. Laura  also brought over some beautiful scarves for her to wear. Thank you Tally family for your kindness. Thank you for suggesting the wig boutique it was a good experience. We are grateful that Colleen is able to remain positive and smiley most of the time. She is tired from the chemo but we are thankful it is not making her nauseated. Another answer to prayer. Please continue to pray that Colleen will remain healthy and not have to be admitted to the hospital. Thanks again for praying.

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